Sorry for yelling at you, I just had to "vent" my feelings. I'm sorry if you're sad that I'm leaving. I sort of have a potential for quting and coming back, but I seriously feel like shutting this sucker down. I'd like to thank the following people: Amber StarGem, Blaze MoonMender, Ellie MythMender, Stephanie FrostWielder, and Blake FireHeart. I listed these people because I think they DESERVE to be thanked. I'm sorry Alia, Friendly, and Jessica. I think blogging is a like a stinky sock, and I don't have the oppurtunity to clean it, but now I do, and I can clean that dirty sock, and it will stay clean, forever. I will still be playing Wizard101, so if you want to see me online, you'll have to somehow find me. Amber started the same time I did, and we're quitting at the same time, go ahead, and go comment on her's insteand of mine. Wait, scratch that, how about you people out there that say I shouldn't leave, give me a GOOD reason, wait no, a GREAT, PERFECT, reason, to stay with Wizard101 Blogging, I challange you.
The Friendly Necromancer and Baldur's Gate 3
9 hours ago